
Our unique design results in floating jetties that are:


The flexibility of a Tire-Link jetty enables it to follow the contour of the ground; there are no hinge points or rigid, connected segments, so the transition from floating to grounded is always smooth. There are no abrupt changes of angle on the deck. There are no elevated components such as gangways. Every part of the jetty is supported by land or water so failure and collapse isn’t possible.

Easy to build & maintenance-free

Tire-Link jetties require no maintenance. All components can be handled by regular people without the need for construction equipment or heavy machinery. Tire-Link jetties are held in place with anchors or similar devices. Driven piles aren’t necessary, resulting in an unobtrusive profile. This feature also makes Tire-Link jetties easy to relocate.


The inherent toughness of truck tires means that Tire-Link jetties can ground on uneven surfaces or debris without incurring damage. Truck tires are made to a world standard for strength and quality far in excess of the requirements for a floating-jetty application. Tire-Link jetties are also tolerant and forgiving of impact from boats.


Tire-Link jetties satisfy the requirements of Australian Standard 3962-2001 “Guidelines For The Design of Marinas”.
Tire-Link jetties are not lively, and provide stability in rough weather. The tires are linked together, creating an open structure that dampens the effect on wave action. Tire-Link jetties can be used as a breakwater in many instances.

Ideal for tidal areas, boat ramps, and fishing​​​​

Tire-Link jetties are ideal alongside boat ramps, providing a safe and stable way for boat operators and guests to access the water at all tide levels. Tire-Link jetties are also ideal as a fishing platform; fishing at the end of a Tire-Link jetty is an experience similar to sitting in a boat at that same spot, making fishing accessible for those who don’t own a boat.​

Towable in open water

Tire-Link jetties can be towed in open water. Construction does not need to occur on site, making Tire-Link jetties suitable for installation in remote areas.


Tire-Link jetties are quiet. Because the entire jetty is linked together and flexible and no poles are required, there are no components that can bang together to create noise.